Wednesday, May 12, 2010

May is a tough month..................

Nick's 15th birthday is approaching. May 22. I just can hardly believe it.

I try not to wonder what he would look like now, how he would act, what kinds of things he would enjoy, if his voice would be different......

I know that God never had a plan for Nick to be here at this time, so I try hard to hang on to the part of Nick that God let us have for 13 sweet and wonderful years.

This is a busy month at our house, but the ache just doesn't go away even when I'm running here and there and doing so many different things.

I just wanted to let you all know that Nick's foundation is still active.

I just mailed a memory box to Iowa this afternoon. Seems that memory boxes are mailed much more often than I ever would have dreamed.

I love you all so much and I thank you for every prayer for our family.

Please let us know how we can pray for and be there for you.

Much love,
Tammy and Tim

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